Monday, April 28, 2008
Take a look at Dasavatharam's Trailer and you will be expecting the release as i am!
Class were fun today, except for the one in the afternoon, because i felt sleepy after taking my lunch. I think i should starve from now on, because i have had noticed that i will be attentive whenever i am hungry hehe...
Talking about food, some stupid ants hijacked my cereal...luckily i manage to get rid of it before the ants manage to give signal to the whole colony to build their castle in my cereal box...pheeeww. For the first time i had bought an expensive cereal(in hope that i will get fit hehe) and this thing happened. Only a few ants are killed during the process, so don't worry lol .
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Going back!!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Kenny Rogers Sucks!
Today we had celebration for 3 of our classmates, for their birthdays, which falls in the month of March and also April. The organizing committee(among my classmates) for this time chooses to celebrate it in Kenny Rogers as they are having selections of vegetarian foods. We were enjoying our time there, and some of us had had ordered in advance to avoid getting the foods late (there are 19 of us).
Before i go into the main purpose i'm writing this entry, lets take a look at Kenny Rogers outlet that we went today..should i tell you where is it located??...well, make a guess, it's somewhere around Shah Alam...
And this is the Quarter Chicken Meal + 3 side dishes + muffin.
Take a good look at the picture, because you too are about to read a shocking news.
Okey, to be specific now, please look again at the mashed potatoes on the previous picture( Picture A) , and compare it with Picture B.
Notice any differences? The texture or maybe the color?
OR maybe I can tell you about the TASTE......
A friend of mine took a mouthful of the mashed potatoes in Picture A, and the next thing he did is to run to the nearest sink to spit out what he had eaten.
u read it right, it's rotten! Wtf right !
When we referred this to the employees, they said sorry and immediately replaced it with a new one (Picture B). But they never took the plate to discard the rotten mashed potatoes! Or at least replace the whole set! I was totally pissed off by their attitude and scolded them, wtf, we are paying for the food and this thing should not happen, especially in a quite famous fast food restaurant. What a shame! How could they not to check the food before serving it to customers.
Doesn't this also mean that they are not required to make sure the foods are freshly made, or do they have rules for allowing leftovers to be served for the next day????
Then they tried to cover the incident by giving us a f*ck*** discount of 10%. I was 10% is only what they could give? We decided to not to go on that issues because it could spoil the celebration mood and I promised myself that I would blog about this so people out there know how good is this fast food outlet are. They have franchise all over the world and is this the best service they could offer us?
Kenny Rogers, U SUCK !!!!(i meant the food)! My classmates + their families + extended friends and families will never ever eat in your outlets again!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
But it's still okey, because we got to go back once we had finish answering.
And the doink classmate of mine labeled me . . . . . . . . today. Stupid doink boy!...i didn't do anything but i was misunderstood for something else. Then he came and sit beside me and try to chat:
the doink : Eh, the mirror is huge ah?
Me : I'm not talking to anyone unless that person say sorry.
The Doink : Hehehe, why are you so angry...i am very very sorry.
Me : hmmm.
The Doink : Okey, let me write a poem to apologize to you.
Me : huh!
The Doink : Your face is very bright like the sunshine,....
(The whole bunch of my classmate lol...)
Me : silly boy!
The Doink : And your heart so clear like the mirror!
(All of them laughed again)
Me : hahaha....okey okey stop it, i'm not angry anymore!
The Doink put an silly smile + expression on his face,....hmm..couldn't be angry at him anymore coz he kept making me laughing like mad.
Don't you dare to say that again!
P/s: the word 'Doink' is an adjective which is used to describe somebody who is acting in a comically idiotic manner. ref:urban dictionary.
Funny Engr(l)ish!
Used tissues for sale!
Okey, i think i need my tiger balm and panadols...i'm starting to have headache after reading this
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Customer(dumb) service(ing)?
Man : . . . . customer service, boleh saya bantu cik (why do he sounds like an Indonesian) ....
Me : Yes, i would like to complain about the line interference that i am having during my calls.
Man : Oh!, when did that happen?
Me : Just now
Man : Oh! is it a few days before or yesterday?
Me : (are you dumb?) No, just now means that just before i called you.
Man : Oh okey (laugh a bit). Try changing your handphone.
Me : What ????.....(wtf)
Man : Change your handphone.
Me : HUh???? change my handphone? i don't really get what are you trying to say!
Man : Go change your handphone and call again.
Omg! he is really a dumb _ _ _......change my handphone? who is going to pay for that? do i have to change my handphone for the stupid network interference!
Me : Hello! why do i need to change my handphone???
Man : Yeah, change the handphone to other handphone and try to make a call.
Me : Do you mean handphone or sim card (dumb #$% )?
Man : Oh sorry sorry, change your sim card to other phone.
Me : (big sigh) Okey i will do it.
Man : If after that you have problem please call me and let me know
Me : News???(whatever&%#@#) Okey, can i know who am i talking to?
Man : Ahmad* (name changed to protect privacy)............
OMG! he is an indonesian! (that explains for his heavy accent)....dear _ _ _ _ telecommunication service, it's so pathetic that you have to hire a foreigner to work for you...I'm not telling that they are not good, but isn't there enough Malaysian to do this work? And the man you hire asks the customer to change their right!
hmmm...i know their number are growing day by day(2.01 million wtf!!!)...but please don't let them outgrow Malaysians...
Swiss Family Robinson

This movie is in my worth- watching list. The story is about a swiss family shipwrecked on a deserted island. Gosh i love the tree house, look so comfortable and beautiful (ok,it's only practical in a jungle though) . The main story is about their survival and wow!, there are pirates in this movie and they are talking in a language which I Malay language. huhu! i was like OMG! i (damn it) understood the pirates
It's a nice movie to watch with your family especially with the kids!
Rated 10 out of 10
Friday, April 18, 2008
A walk to remember

I think there is no need for an introduction for this movie, because it is well known. It is one of the most romantic movie that I ever watched, and I am not bored by watching it over and over again( ok, i cried again)... To find love that even accompany you till grave is truly a miracle, as most couple could share joy but not sorrow...and it was the most beautiful wedding ever that I had seen in a movie...(sob sob) now where do I place my tissues...(=_=)
Rated 9.8 out of 10
Santosh Subramaniam

Watched this movie today, i think it was released only a few days ago. The movie starts interestingly, with the hero introduced with his father. The story starts rolling in after the heroin(Genelia) was introduced. I think i don't prefer her character too much at the beginning but in the end it was okay because i get to know why she was given a role like that. As this movie is still new, i'm not going to describe anything further because it could spoil the excitement for those planning to watch the movie. The story basically revolves around the relationship between an over protective father (Prakash Raj) and his son(Jayam Ravi) . I find it is worth full to watch especially for the funny jokes and the all's well that ends well ending.
Rated 7 out of 10
It's a long day!
Today I almost went late to my class, because I didn't wake up at the time I’m supposed to...I overslept hehe, and I was dreaming that the apartment I am living now is bombed and I didn't manage to escape, so I drowned. hehe, look at how crazy my dream was. Woke up after a rescue call , and I thanked the person a lot before rushing to the bathroom :) . The class was pretty dull today, mostly because half of the class is still not fully awake (8 a.m class you see). The lecturer tried to crack some jokes while teaching, but pity her as her effort went waste... because we was still sleepy (hehe)...And at the end she ended the class 15 minutes earlier because she knew from the look we had on our faces that we couldn't take more. Then i remembered something.......
....what goes around comes around...I might have sleepy students in the future...what I gonna do??? *giving faked worried look with rolled up eyes*
Back home, felt tired a bit. Although I was a bit sleepy in the class, I couldn't sleep again when I reached home. Watched ' A walk to remember' and I cried is so sweet, I can still cry watching it over and over again. That movie showed how love and care can change people for good, and I too wanted to witness a miracle after watching it (so pathetic). After that my eyes felt too tired and off I went for a nap.
Now as I am blogging I felt like I went to class and watched the movie yesterday, and the day felt so long. I guess waking up early had a lot of advantage to do for me, it makes my day longer and I felt I had done so many things in one day.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Day dreaming is fun!!!
some lecturers are indeed the best sleeping pill!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Short Sems...
Today's class is the first class for this short semester, and we are having a lovely lecturer for that subject, which is going to be interesting (for sure). Today is the briefing class, more about the subject, and some gossips (ooppss, I meant updates) about the new management and who's appointed to be this and that...
After that all of us went out for lunch together, and we were discussing about the next trip. My whole class just loves going to trips together (although not so big one because of financial problems hehe), cam whoring, and also partying. Since this semester is a short one, there will be loads of assignment given and inadequate time to finish it off. So our trip will be only for one day.
Oh btw, few of my classmates commented that I am losing weight.....Yippee \(^o^)/
My blog is rated....

Hahaha...this is very funny. I found out this website, which will rate the blog based on the content. It's sort of like rating a movie. Mine is rated G, and when i read the comment, i almost laugh my _ _ _ out! it's ridiculous
it reads like this
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
- hell (2x)
- hurt (1x)
lol! i am still using decent words! hehehe...still young wat!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A day before the classes begins

Talking about Indian swing....i remember something.... this is my favourite ....
Lord Krishna and His Beloved Radha on the beautiful swing....i just loved it..saw it once, in small size but that time my mum didn't allow me to buy, was angry with her then, but now i am kind of glad, because i want to buy the largest size now hehehe...
The coloured version is like the one in this picture, but i think i might going to get the gold version (hehe) it' looks more divine*raised eyebrows*

And while surfing the net today, i found a news on The Hindu,dated back in 2005, a Malaysian Chinese married an Indian citizen(a tamil brahmin), and they are surely going to produce Chindians...hehehe, both of these races are just very attracted to each other for the unknown reasons...
here it is--click me
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I know what you did last supper!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Freaked out!
22 March 08
It had been a long time since I received prank calls, and I’m sort of getting used at it, but at each time, I freak out! The recent call I receive was on few days ago, at 2.30 am. At first I thought I was my boyfriend, who is in overseas, called me. It was a private number, and the weirdest thing is, he sounds like the man who had just repaired my lappy 2 days before that. I was wondering what makes him call me at that time, and then was when he introduced himself with a ‘fake name’ and told me that he found my number on a website. What the hell man $#@*! Do you think I am such a fool to put my personal information online? Although I knew he was just want to test the water, but I totally freak out. And I told him I got ‘inside people’ to detect his number and If he really want to meet me that will be in a police station. I guess I made the man freaked out too when he didn’t dare to call again. My cell number online? How if that is real? Someone might be able to post my information online, someone who knows me, and I will be in hell after that. But it is not only my insane imagination, but it is really coming true. An innocent woman recently was investigated out of her old pictures in friendster, which was misused by another person to blackmail a guy known as C.K. She barely had logged in for two years, and she found out this scam after seeing her picture in a local newspaper. Why do people need to do this? What is the point of being happy to freak out a person and have a good laugh over it? For those out there, if you really want a date, go and ask him/her face to face and don’t ever try to freak or cheat them out of your personal interest!
Btw, my lappy is fixed and i am very very happy*wide smile*
The day I run ‘amok’
17 March 08
I had never been this angry for such a long time; I meant I had never known I can be this angry. This time, I think I had hurt my lappy’s feelings. What a bad owner am I! I showed my anger to my innocent lappy after an argument with my bro. I was busy using the net, it was damn slow and I was clenching my teeth because I am unable to access to my blog (I am using the stupid tm net service at home). Then my brother came back from school and simply pulls out the net wire. I throw my tantrum to him and after that turn to my lappy which jammed for a moment and then was when I did the unbelievable act. I slammed down the lappy and the next thing I knew is my mind was totally blank for a few seconds and after composing myself I found out I had just spoiled the hard drive. I totally regret over my action and apologize to my beloved lappy, but what is done are done and cannot be undone. I locked myself in my room and cried for a moment and promised over my lappy that I won’t ever have anger like that. I started to think my life without my lappy, omg, it was unimaginable. My lappy was with me for three years now and I had spent time with it more that I had been with anything else.