I ordered.....
and this......because
i cannot drink this, it's ice blended ( i got flu wat T_T)
Presenting the Yummy Chocolate Ice Cream Cake !!! i got the biggest portion(even though im not the bday girl) hahaha!!
Yesterday didn't had the chance to update my blog....I was sick for 2 days before, but after going out to Sunway Piramid yesterday, i found out that shopping cure my flu and sore throat. OMG!!! hehehe...am i turning into Becky Bloomwood??? Hopefully i am not...i am not a milionaire (but i felt like buying everything in the shop!) Well, initially the plan was to get something for 'someone'....but i ended up buying tops for me too. Hehehe, i cannot resist the 50% and 70% lah...Moreover, the guy at Sub was very cute and helpful.....(i wish all the shop assistant is like him) Well, after that went to Asia Cafe and had a really good dinner there ( i was accompanied by these two really funny and lovely girls...Ady and Darch)...
U know what, we shopped for 11 hours. Can u believe that??? We really shopped until we (almost) drop. (^_^)
So following is the list, and these books are not available either in MPH nor Kinokuniya....i have to go to Times bookstore and hopefully these titles will be available (some of this books are published long time ago).