An incident that happened in Chili’s, Midvalley last year(suddenly remembered today while taking bath.hehehe).
While eating in Chili’s......
Me : (to friend 1)Hmm..i feel i want to go to the ladies....i drank too much water.
Friend 1 : Ya lor, i also think that i need to go too. I refilled the coke 3 times.
Me : What!!!(i know refill is free...but 3 times???).. Ok ok,lets go.
In the Ladies........
There are 3 other people there, one auntie(applying make up), Chinese girl 1 and 2 waiting for turn..
Friend 1 : Psst! Bytes, why got soo many people, i cannot tahan lah!
Me : Me too, never mind wait lah...
Chinese girl 1 : (eye contact with me) smile...(giving -i-am-also-in-urgencies look)
Chinese girl 2 : (keep on leaning on the toilet’s door and talking to the person inside) hey just come out lah, faster please ,everybody is waiting out here!
Friend 1 and me : (look at each other) Huh! What’s happening?
Chinese girl 2 : tut..tut (message sound...look at it(laugh loudly) and talk back in chinese
to the person inside the toilet.
This happened for 3 friend and i are at critical stage by that time..
Chinese girl 2 :Tut...tut.(message sound)... (looking at us) Excuse me everyone...(laughing)
Chinese girl 1, Friend 1 and me: Huh ?? yes??
Chinese girl 2 :(laughing)My friend is inside the toilet and shy to come out
Chinese girl 1, Friend 1 and me: Haah???(taken aback)
Me : Nevermind faster ask ‘her’ to come out! (i am in emergency you idiots! )
Chinese girl 2 : Come out faster (laughing)
Chinese girl 1, Friend 1 and me: (showing irritated face)
Toilet door opening.....(drum rolling sound)
Guess who came out??..
A Chinese guy(in his 20’s) came out from the toilet covering his face with his hand!!!!damn paiseh(face all red ready)!!!
That time everybody forgot their urgent nature calls and laugh out loud at him( luckily our bladder didn't leak out) ...Hahaha....pity him, he must be at hurry to do such a silly mistake (we can 'feel' your urgencies silly guy) ....and the place he choose to make that mistake --> CHILI’s....
Bet that mistake going to hunt his ‘macho’ness and have 'chili'sphobia' for several months.....Hopefully he is not the Chinese girl's date(if not...go back home prepare rope to hang herself out of shame ) !!!!